Picture Perfect Golf Courses

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Dorado has been since, in the 50s, Laurance Rockefeller discovered its magic beauty, a golfer’s dream come true. This part of Puerto Rico’s north is the most humid zone of the island. Vegetation is lush. A deep green curtain of plant life serves as your background when you play at any of Dorado’s world class golf courses. Pick any of the various golf courses in Dorado, or visit them all. They will prove to be both challenging and relaxing for all players alike.

For those in search of sun, sand and waves, this north central route has fantastic possibilities. The beaches of Dorado and Cerro Gordo in Vega Baja offer coral reef protected waters and plenty of palm tree shaded areas to place your beach towels. As are all beaches in Puerto Rico, the ones in Dorado and Vega Baja are accessible to the public. Some, you just jump off your car and swim in, in others, called “balnearios”, you pay a modest parking fee and enjoy picnic areas and basic facilities. In Puerto Rico everywhere there is a beach you will find small shops, restaurants, and bars where you can get souvenirs or quench your thirst with an ice-cold drink; it comes with the trip.

If your idea of beach fun is to ride powerful waves, the deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean north of Puerto Rico provide for great surfing in the famous Los Tubos Beach in Manatí. The name of this surfing spot comes from the shape that its waves take as they roll in tube-like form to the sand banks. That should give you an idea of the kind of surfing that is possible along this north-central zone of Puerto Rico.

PUERTO RICO: The authority in medical tourism

PUERTO RICO: The authority in medical tourism

The island is the Caribbean paradise for those who need to heal..
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Must try bites that will make you crave in Puerto Rico

Must try bites that will make you crave in Puerto Rico

There is so much to crave in Puerto Rico's traditional cuisine - outstanding flavor at the right price, often in unmatched mountainside, or beachfront ambiance.
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